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₹80,000.00 ₹60,000.00
Contains Hydrogen Peroxide 6% Colloidal Silver30 PPM(parts per million) Available in 1 liter & 20 liters pack
₹210,000.00 ₹200,000.00
Nocospray is proprietary & patent products of Oxy pharm, France. Sprays dry fog so no moisture, no rusting, no corrosion…
₹4,000.00 ₹3,000.00
Oxydor is a deodorant product, effective on odor from organic or bacterial sources (urine, tobacco, bins, animals, industryâ¦)
₹4,000.00 ₹3,000.00
Moxy contains PYRITHRIN, PERMETHRIN & is used to eradicate the mosquitoes & their eggs due to the speed of 300 km per hour…
₹4,000.00 ₹3,000.00
Nocolyse food contains Hydrogen peroxide 7.9% plus citric acid instead of colloidal silver since it is a food-grade product…